Thursday, October 6, 2022


Blood Sugar: Know What is Diabetes and How Many Types are There

What is Diabetes

What is the main cause of diabetes?

The energy required by the body for its activities comes from the carbohydrates, proteins and fats present in the food. Glucose or sugar is also prominent in this. Which is a major component of carbohydrates. Starchy foods, potatoes, rice, sugar-sweetened foods, milk or milk products, and fruits in food, are the main sources of glucose, the sugar produced after eating them, and it reaches the blood, Then gives blood. It helps in transporting it to different parts of the body. When the level of glucose in the blood rises, the pancreas secretes insulin. Which helps different parts of the body to use this glucose in different cells.

Actually, insulin acts like a key for the use of glucose, in the presence of which glucose can enter various major organs of the body.

In the absence of food, the liver helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by converting stored fat and glycogen into glucose, so that muscles can receive enough glucose even when there is no food.

Thus, the level of sugar in the blood keeps fluctuating in the same range. Sometimes this insulin is not produced normally, due to which its amount decreases, then the level of glucose in the blood increases, due to which it is called diabetes.

You must have read above, you must have read about diabetes, but there are three types of diabetes, you should also know this, so stay ahead in the article.

Types of Diabetes

Although there are three types of diabetes, type diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, but how are type 1 and type 2 seen more? So shared it with you too.

Type 1 Diabetes!

What happens in type 1 diabetes Autoimmune, Autoimmune As you all know that our antibiotics cause beta-cell destruction which we call autoimmune destruction of beta cells. When the beta-cell count decreases by 80%, diabetes develops in the body due to low insulin. To control glucose.

So, this is the cause and mechanism of type 1 diabetes.

How did these antibodies come from? Why are they destroying beta cells? According to the study, the exact reason for this is not yet clear.

Type on diabetes is mostly seen in children but in some cases it can also happen in parents. Therefore, a question will arise in your mind that if children have type 1 diabetes, then how to know, then let us know what are its symptoms :-

  1. Diabetic ketoacidosis
  2. lose weight
  3. Dehydration

Diabetes Type 2!

In type 2 diabetes, your body doesn't use insulin properly, so your insulin doesn't keep blood sugar at the same level. This means that whenever you eat something, the cells of your body are not able to properly take the glucose from the food you have eaten. 90 to 95 percent of people with type 2 diabetes usually develop type 2 diabetes, which is most commonly seen in adults (but also in children and adolescents) and builds up over the years.

Some symptoms that I have shared with you below but it does not mean that you will be careless about it, you have to contact your personal doctor or diabetes doctor, after that confirm what type of diabetes you have or you have diabetes Yes or No: -

  • Weight loss.
  • eating healthy food.
  • stay active.

Type 3 gestational diabetes

When women are in pregnancy, they develop into diabetes. If a pregnant woman gets diabetes, her baby may be at greater health risk. Pride diabetes usually disappears from the mother's body with the birth of the child. But it is possible for an expectant mother to turn into type 2 diabetes later in her life.

Diabetes Mellitus

You have heard of diabetes but the term diabetes mellitus may be new to some people, and they wonder, what is diabetes mellitus. Actually diabetes mellitus is called a group of many metabolic diseases. Diabetes mellitus is also known as DM. Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases related to the blood sugar level in the blood. In simple words, what people call the disease of diabetes. But this is a simplification. Diabetes mellitus includes all types of diabetes.

Scientists say that the main cause of diabetes mellitus is the sensitivity of insulin that controls the blood sugar level and the lack of proper communication in the cells.

Dangers of Diabetes Mellitus

  • Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma or death
  • Cause of Heart Disease
  • Eye blindness
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Pancreas does not produce enough insulin

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